R O B E R T   T U R N E R  C O L L E C T I V E
Renaissance Installation, Le Commun, Geneva, June, 2022
Visual : Robert Turner Collective

Audio-visual work involving six moving-image projections that interact with a hybrid sound composition. The visual display includes audio-reactive images, in which sound influences the different algorithms used in their creation. Algorithmic abstraction and other techniques allow for the creation of a graphic universe that enhances and complements the atmosphere of the immersive experience. The original sound composition by the duo INFLUUT comprises human-produced sounds using objects and instruments, which are pre-recorded, processed and played according to decision loops based on harmony rules.

Photos: Dorota Grajewska

Renaissance (excerpt) , 2022
(sound INFLUUT)

Renaissance (excerpt) , 2022
(sound INFLUUT)

Excerpts from the 4 screen version: Excerpt 1 Excerpt 2 Excerpt 3 Excerpt 4
Full video (4 screen version) of the Renaissance Installation - available here